How to notify everyone in a slack channel

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How @here and @channel work and wich one to chose

Slack is a great way to communicate with coworkers, but what happens when you need to notify everyone in a channel?

There are 2 ways, using @here and using @channel.

  • @here notifies people from that channel currently online.
  • @channel notifies everyone.

If you want to avoid being annoying with these types of messages, try to always use @here and only notify people who is currently online instead of every single person that is within that channel.

The other alternative that notifes absolutely everyone @channel

Using @channel you will also notify people who has already finished working and doesn't have slack active, they will receive a notification on their phone as if someone had sent them a message directly.
(Only if the haven't speficially muted the messages from the channel where you sent yours)

There's also @everyone but that doesn't work with specific channels, this will only work withing the default #general channel of a workspace and only if the workspace administrator allows it.

Remember that using this kind of tags could mean interrupting more than 500 people at the same time with something that doesn't really require inmediate attention, so be mindful about that to avoid winning enemys within the company!

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